Disruption for disruption’s sake is destruction, and 100% without value. So we recommend starting with our Innovation Workshop which creates tangible results for you and your team within 24 hours after we have come to meet you.

Our Services

Not everything is a technology problem and our experienced team of Technologists, Futurists and Solution Architects know what to look out for to ensure you do not fall into the same trap as many of your competitors, who confuse technology with a solution.

We take a business-first approach to begin with understanding your business challenges and key drivers, before matching the right blend of technologies and business models to help you thrive in the digital age.

We have experts in-house who can support your own teams with specialist knowledge on a wide range of disruptive technologies from blockchain to machine learning and internet of things to artificial intelligence.

Your Disruptive Technology Journey

The journey starts with linking your key business drivers to specific use cases, before choosing any new tools, software or dashboards. Always keeping the ‘why’ in mind we assess your existing capabilities and deliver valuable quick wins using Agile methodology, whilst working toward a scalable, tested solution for your entire business.

Innovation Workshop

Invite us to spend a day learning everything about your business, your key drivers, existing capabilities and vision for the future. After the visit we will produce an extensive set of recommendations, industry trends and thought leadership in a report, which you will receive within 24 hours.

Mapping Business Value to User Stories

Keeping the ‘why’ in mind at all times and introducing an agile approach to digital transformation we create well-defined epics and user stories and link these back to your key drivers, challenges and objectives, demonstrating tangible use cases and showcasing the value that new technologies will bring for your business.

Business Case Workshop

Here we align your business objectives with our findings so far to collate a strategic document describing your existing technology landscape, a robust strategy, potential new business models and technology roadmap for the recommended course of action. This practical strategy will enable the successful delivery of digital transformation across your business.

Solution Stack Definition

Only once the business challenges and strategy are defined and linked back to key objectives do we begin to look at suitable technologies. At this point we will recommend, architect and build your solution stack with the right blend of tools, technologies and apps to make your specific business goals and future vision a reality.

Pilot Use Case

Continuing to work in sprints we execute a controlled delivery of the new digital solution stack applying the capabilities to one real use case within the business. Testing and optimisation will happen regularly to ensure the final result is the right one to complement a scalable solution to roll out across your entire business.

Implementation at Scale

It’s now time to put the tried and tested proof of concept into full production for your business. We not only help deliver the solution but manage the entire programme, build the right teams and effectively communicate change to ensure implementation and adoption is successful and maintained going forward.

Change Management

Change will not work without people. Using our wealth of expertise we guide you through the business change capabilities required to ensure new digital solutions are delivered and successfully adopted across the organisation.