On-Demand Webinar: Blockchain for Dummies *updated*

Back by popular demand! Fintricity’s Florian Krueger presents a 25 minute webinar to simplify blockchain and explain it’s potential use cases. If you haven’t already heard, blockchain is being hailed as “the new internet” and it is driving significant transformation for businesses across multiple sectors, from financial services to supply chain to government initiatives and beyond.…

On-Demand Webinar: Digitale Konvergenz von Märkten & Technologien

Die zunehmende Digitalisierung beeinträchtigt Geschäftsprozesse und Wertschöpfungsketten und die Wahrnehmung und die Interaktion mit unserer Umwelt Im Laufe der Jahrzehnte veränderte der technologische Fortschritt Produktangebot und Dynamiken in einzelnen Marktsegmenten. Mit zunehmender Datenverfügbarkeit, Datenverarbeitungsgeschwindigkeit und besserer Datenanalyse werden vermehrt traditionelle Wertschöpfungsketten in Frage gestellt. Die Digitalisierung verwischt die Abgrenzung von Marktsegmenten und das Rollenverständnis von…

On-Demand Webinar: Digital Convergence of Markets & Technologies

The digitalisation of our life disrupts processes, business value chains and the way we perceive and interact with the world. Markets have developed over the decades and technological advances have been focused on changing products, subsequently impacting markets. The availability of data, speed of processing power and analytical abilities questions traditional value chains and economics.…

On-Demand Webinar: Be Digital or Die

Be Digital or Die What does the future of your business look like and how will you get there? Listen to Alpesh Doshi as he presents a 30 minute digital transformation webinar discussing how to leverage big data, disruptive technologies and new business models to future-proof your business. In this session we use financial services, Uber and…

On-Demand Webinar: Blockchain for Dummies

Fintricity’s Florian Krueger presents a 20 minute webinar to simplify blockchain and explain it’s potential use cases. If you haven’t already heard, blockchain is being hailed as “the new internet” and it is driving significant transformation for businesses across multiple sectors, from financial services to supply chain to government initiatives and beyond. But what is blockchain,…

On-Demand Webinar: Big Data MythBusters

Florian Krueger presents a 25 minute webinar addressing our top data myths. Too many people are confusing things and we aim to clarify them for everyone’s sake! Following on from Florian’s popular blog series we discuss what we’ve identified as the top big data myths we often stumble across. Complete the form to watch now…